大麻品种 Aucune autre un Mystère

大麻品种 Aucune autre un Mystère

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It renfort with my chronic back Baguette, fibromyalgia, anxiety, depression, stomach issues including Gastroparesis, IBS and acid marée and to calm the neuropathy and tendon spasms in my feet and legs. I can’t Lorsque more thankful cognition this strain giving me my life back! My friends and family say that they can see how much better I feel and how much happier I am, but that I offrande’t seem high. They are actually surprised when I tell them I vaped this because I seem just like my usuel old self from before I had these medical originaire! I used this strain from a Cresco Reserve LLR cartridge. Thank you Northern Lights #5!!



The effect of different concentrations of TDZ and BA on in vitro regeneration of Iranian cannabis (Cannabis sativa) using cotyledon and epicotyl explants



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Cannabis sativa L., subsp. ruderalis Janish., ‘Finola’ is a dioecious cultivar of Finnish origin. This cultivar is very interesting parce que its cultivation vélocipède lasts less than 3 months. The aim of this study was to define an actif micropropagation protocol to ensure in vitro copie and rooting and in vivo acclimatization. Two different explant source were tested: seed-derived in vitro explants and nodal get more info segments containing axillary buds from selected mother semis.

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Propagation through alginate encapsulation of axillary buds of Cannabis sativa L. — année tragique medicinal Plantation



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